Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Hello everyone! Or as McCain would say, Hello, my Friends!

Well, its been a while since a blog was posted, but that just makes a new blog even more exciting and refreshing, right? After all, at this point we are only the 2,245,687 smallest blog in New York State alone! But its all in the spirit right? Ok, time to curb the sarcasm (even though it has us all laughing inside) and to focus in on some current events. 

To enter some sentimental thoughts first, Christmas has officially passed and so have the frenzied shopping sprees, parties, visiting relatives and friends (no, they haven't actually passed...) and the celebration of blessed and holy events of this time of year. This marks the first year that the majority of my shopping was done online and I have officially entered the manly (aka: lazy) world of sitting at a computer and looking at nice pictures, deciding all the while whether someone I know will like a certain gift judging from the beautiful picture. Other years I've simply realized that its a matter of days until Christmas and I have spent three hours or so going to the bank, withdrawing money and then buying all the presents I need at once. Not any more, my friends! This Christmas my shopping was done at least a week before Christmas! (a new record) Honestly though, still trying to get to a serious note here, I had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed the blessings of family, food and fun.

But now we're leaving the Christmas season behind us as we gird ourselves for a new and exciting year. In fact, even while we prepare for the said twelvemonth, it is starting to pick up speed. And with time going by quicker each day the small events add up quicker. 

Of course one big event this month is the inauguration of our forty-fourth president, Barack Obama. I realize that many people intensely dislike Obama or at least what he stands for and brings with him, but at this time he has been elected our leader, like it or not, and it is indeed a historic moment for our country to elect its first African American president. We must lift him up in our prayers, for him to have wisdom as he leads us and protection while he carries out his duties. It is certainly our duty to oppose his decisions that we disagree with but he is our leader and as such we must respect him. 

To shift our focus to another part of the world (I know, were moving a lot here, but bear with me) the middle east has suddenly become a household word again. It seems like the military tensions never end here, and maybe they never will, but once again it has come to force as Israel is extending its indomitable military arms over the Gaza strip. From what has been gathered, which is still very muddled and incomplete, Israel's violent actions seem to be in retaliation to the constant threat and actual firing of missiles across the Israeli border by hidden militants. Few Israelis have been hit but the number was enough to set the country on the warpath again. It doesn't surprise me. Some folks have had the audacity to say that Israel's attack was not in proportion but I ask you, what is a proportionate response for these terrorists that never rest in their war against the west? They hide in civilians homes, refuse to stop fighting, and remain illusive and out of grasp. If Hamas and the terrorists causing Israel harm came out to fight in the open do you think Israel would go on bombing civilian territories? I should say not! Unless I am gravely mistaken it is not Israel's way or intention to attack civilians. They only wish to be left alone. If that weren't the case they could have gone far by now in the way of conquest, but they simply wish to live safe peaceful lives, as do many of the subjects of their enemies across their borders. Nevertheless, they are not afraid to strike and if they had been bent on attack there would have been little hope for some if not all of their neighbors. However, as it now stands Israel is again being attacked by a shameful enemy who both shoots at civilians and hides behind them. If you poke a sleeping dog in its hind end with a stick until it bleeds eventually it will turn around and bite you, not in proportion, but in whatever way it has to to make the poking stop. We cannot dictate how others should protect themselves when we are not in the same danger.

Thoughts? Opinions?



John Baker IV said...

I love the pleas for a cease fire.
Apparently self defense is a international crime.
And lets not forget about the presentation of the conflict. I heard a couple days ago that Israel must be out of legit targets because they were striking abandoned sites.
Then yesterday they hit a building which had hamas militants inside. This was deemed an act of "blatant brutality"

The only thing better than national politics is international politics.

The Pursuit: Good Luck Liberty said...

no kidding, John. I mean, we have to accept that technology has made self defense something that stretches beyond an armed man standing on a border saying "Don't come in or I'll shoot you". Israel is trying to find peace for her citizens and the whole world seems to want the opposite...

The Pursuit: Good Luck Liberty said...

Either that or they just don't want to accept that the people who are the politically correct society at the moment could ever do any wrong. Instead of harping on the fact that Hamas picked the fight, they blast Israel for standing up for themselves. I say, "good-on-ya" Israel and I hope you take back the Gaza Strip.

Mark @ The Pursuit

Trill said...

While I agree with you that in this particular case, Israel was more than justified in striking back in the way they have, I think that many of us tend to overlook the larger picture. Yes, in THIS debacle Hamas started it and Israel is simply trying to defend itself, but, if we look more closely, it becomes quickly apparent that there are no innocent parties in this age old war. I get really tired of hearing the "poor little Israel, they're just surrounded by terrorists and we as Westerners need to support them" bit. Israel is far from a poor, defenseless nation - they are internationally recognized for their military prowess, particularly their hand-to-hand combat methods. I'm not saying that y'all were arguing that point, merely mentioning the fact. :)

The Pursuit: Good Luck Liberty said...

That is certainly a good point. Being a more developed nation, Israel is certainly in no way a defenseless country. Just look at both the Six Day War (Israel anihilated, I think it was 5 seperate nations in just six days being on the defensive and being a nation who was only a few years old and surrounded) and the Yom Kippur war (Syria and Jordan attacked Israel on their most holy day, the Day of Attonement. You can probably YouTube the aerial videos of the aftermath as Israel destroyed the invading armies. Though they lost the Gaza Strip in that attack, they fared very well considering the surprise attack.)They are most certainly a capable nation with a surprisingly powerful and well-trained army. Nonetheless, Israel is like the geeky kid at the school yard being bullied and picked on by a gang of ruffians. It only takes so long before that geeky kid whips out his black belt and fights back. It seems our most redundant communication to Israel is "don't fight back, it will only make things worse." But like any mess, sometimes it needs to get worse before it can get better. This may be the first offensive Israel has ever taken. Most military operations done by the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) are in response to a threat or invasion. Though I strongly oppose war in any case, no matter how bad the situation is, I am having a hard time blaming Israel for their actions. You can only sit and take so much provocation before even the calmest of us has to decide either to roll over and let them keep pushing us around or make it stop. Will it stop after this offensive? Honestly, probably not. I don't think things will ever get better in the Mid-East, but I will continue to pray that God will will redeem them all. Good stuff!
